Monday, November 18, 2013

A Scriptural Study of Spiritual Trails, Tribulations and Tempests

1.        The picture of Armageddon is a picture of tribulation with the people of God and the forces of darkness.  “Tribulation is never lost by Gospel bearers, because all is ordained for our good.  Amen.”

2.        The common essence of the Christian life is tribulation touching battle with sin, but the seven year period represents the perfected victory of God’s people touching dying in the Lord or living in the Lord.  I am not saying it does not refer to the time of 70 AD, but it also in a applicational sense it refers to all Christians who experience tribulation due to holy living. “Life is to enjoy and glorify Him forevermore in the storm.  Amen.”

3.        The spiritual battle represents the conflict Christians’ face with the world, the flesh and the devil.  “The Lord never lost a battle.  Amen.”

4.        There does not have to be an Armageddon with military warfare but sin gets worse and worse and must be restrained by God's Spirit, but the apostle Peter speaks of interpreting the Holy Pages unto destruction.  That is, such interpretation is unwarranted, unscriptural and unlawful teaching that awaits not the glory of Christ in the optimism of the power of the Holy Spirit, but a cessation of Gospel prosperity that is uncalled for.  The meaning of Scripture does not refer to a necular exchange, but it could refer to an application to prevent such an exchange.  “Repent of this wickedness before God and renew your practical obedience.  Amen.”

5.        God never sends us trail that we cannot endure; however, it is the unendurable endurable, but I do not believe He wants us to destroy the world through necular mushrooms and various warfare to satisfy sinful excitement and a wrong viewpoint of hating your neighbor.  “The greatest trails of man was Noah’s flood and the flood of wrongdoing at the Cross, but we are exceedingly overwhelming conquerors in Christ Jesus.  Amen.”

6.        The bounding of Satan happens every time the Gospel is accepted in the Glad Tidings celebration of the Spirit and the Word for each sinner, because of the superlative power of the divine choice of the Father through His Son in unified redemptive merit by the approbation of the Spirit.  “Satan is bound for every believer for a spiritual 1, 000 years.  Amen.”

7.        Every sinner is bound when the Gospel is rejected, but every sinner is loosed when the Gospel is accepted.  However, who makes men to differ?  It is the monergistic, divine and supernatural quickening of the Spirit and the Word.  “We are all like Elijah that thought he was alone, but there was spiritual 7, 000 that never bowed to Baal.  Amen.”  Every person who believes there will be a falling away at the end is another Elijah, but there will be many left!

8.        The Gospel never fails because Jesus never fails; that is, we are called to love the holy grace and supernatural peace of the Gospel that touches the whole world.  “Will the Lord find faith on the earth when He comes?  Yes!” The question comes down to God's freedom, so it means, is God free?  If God is free, there will be faith when He comes!

9.        We are called to do what is right before God and man, but why are past generations known for honorable sacrifice that brought success to us?  That is, honorable sacrifice should not lead us to war again in that kind of success, but a success that leads us away from war to peace of the Gospel.  “That is why Stonewall Jackson was conflicted in battle, because he offered the Gospel to his brothers whom he fought in battle.  Why should we fight brother against brother when it is true of all of us that He made us in His image touching creaturely dignity?  Amen. I praise His name.  Amen.”

10.     The cessation of war can only come through the Gospel grace-abundance and peace-overflowingness of Christ alone in how we are made right before God; that is, in the picture of final glorification the perfected permeation of Christ alone becomes are essence but acts, works and words never add to that perfected unified work alone in this life; however, the evil of the love of money can be turned on its head in that it can cause a cessation of war and furtherance of freedom and the Christian religion by "compensation" for America and all nations because of the abomination of September 11, 2001.  “The Gospel is the essence of grace and peace, because it is the essence of Christ!   Let evil be brought to destruction, but the optimism of the Gospel alone avail.  Amen.”

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